Discover the Nutritional Benefits of Cherry Tomatoes


If you‘re looking for a tasty and nutritious snack, look no further than cherry tomatoes!

Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, these juicy little morsels are a great addition to any meal.

From salads to sauces, you can enjoy them in a variety of ways.

Keep reading to learn about the different types, nutrition values, and health benefits of cherry tomatoes.

But first, let’s get to know these tiny magical vegetables!

What are Cherry tomatoes?


As easy as it goes: Cherry tomatoes are subsidiaries of tomatoes, smaller in size but richer in taste and value!

The size of a cherry tomato can change drastically depending on the type, while its shape is usually either round or oval.

Just like its ancestor the “classic tomato”, the cherry tomato comes in different colors: white, yellow, black, green, or red.

Mostly consumed as a snack, or with an entrée, this tiny fruit can be used in a wide variety of dishes.

One thing we’re all sure of, just seeing cherry tomatoes on our table takes away the summer heat and gives us that fresh vibe!

Varieties of cherry tomatoes:

There are many varieties of tomatoes, some of which are considered hybrids.

These hybrids were cultivated to produce better-resistant facing viruses.

The Santorini cherry tomatoes earned their name from Santorini in Greece.

They are one of the most famous cherry tomatoes globally due to their distinguished juicy flavor.

Here are some of the well-known cherry tomato varieties:

Black cherry tomatoes:

Don’t mistake these cherry tomatoes for plums. (1)

They are known for their round shape and unique color.

These black cherries are native to the Andean mountains and are mostly grown in South America.

Their color varies from dark purple to black depending on their ripeness.

An average black cherry weighs about 30g and measures about 1 inch in diameter.

They have a rich yet complex flavor, juicy and sweet although not really sweet like red or orange cherry tomatoes.

They tend to have a crunchy texture almost like that of an apple which makes them enjoyable as a raw refreshing snack or in salads.

Snow white:

This type of cherry tomato earned its name from its pale color, even though it turns creamy yellow when maturing.

Its size is medium-large., this one

They are the result of a crossing between White beauty and Yellow cherry tomatoes.

They have a perfectly round shape and weighs about 15g when they fully ripen.

They take about 3 months to fully ripen and they grow on clusters of up to 16 fruits at a time.

Their skin doesn‘t break easily and they offer a more concentrated tomato flavor, sweet but not necessarily sugary compared to other varieties of cherry tomatoes. (2)

Snow white cherry tomatoes are perfect for salads and fruit cups because of their attractive color and fresh taste.

Sun sugar:

Sunsugar tomatoes have a summery orange color.

Unlike most tomato varieties, this one has a high resistance against cracking, even when it ripens it still holds to its thin skin.

It is among the early cherry tomatoes in terms of ripening period as they are ready for harvest at the beginning of summer. (3)

A full mature Sun sugar cherry tomato weighs the same as black cherry tomatoes around 30g on average.

They are berry-like fruits with a bright shiny orange color that screams summer vibes.

It was named by Sunset magazine, as the most tasteful tomato due to its sweet tomato flavor.

It is perfect for salads, appetizers as well as in jams or just eaten raw and fresh…

Green grape:

Make no mistake, these are not grapes! These are Green-grape tomatoes!!

This type of cherry tomato is known for its green-gold color when fully ripened.

Alongside the color, its shape is also very similar to grapes.

The color of the inside flesh is lime green and it has a unique sweet yet spicy flavor, which is perfect for snacking and salads!

That is what sets it apart from its fellow cherry tomato.

It can be used whole in soups and pasta dishes, pairing well with pesto, or used to make fresh, bright-green salsa and ketchup. (4)

Sweet baby girl:

Sweet baby girl cherry tomatoes get this name due to their lovely red color and tiny sweet shape.

They can be eaten raw or used in cooking and making salads.

Their appetizing color makes them perfect for a variety of dishes.

Without any doubt, they have the sweetest flavor among all cherry tomatoes.

They are the favorite type of tomatoes for children.

This is because sweet baby cherry tomatoes are the most fragrant and the sweetest.

Just like Black cherry tomatoes, they are native to the Andeans regions in many countries in South America.

They are characterized by bright red color and weigh about 15g each.

Most parents like to use sweet baby cherry tomatoes to introduce their kids to this amazing fruit for the first time.

They are perfect to eat raw as a snack or appetizer, and also perfect to use in jams and salads.

Carbs in cherry tomatoes:

Cherry tomatoes have a high-density nutritional value, they help us stay hydrated, prevent cancer and heart diseases.

In fact, they contain Vitamin C, antioxidants, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B9.

In addition to all those vitamins, cherry tomatoes are rich in potassium, phosphor, and manganese.

Their essential minerals are a major contributor to the well-being of our health system.

Not just that, they contain lycopene. This red carotenoid helps prevent prostate cancer and heart diseases.

Cherry tomato seeds are perfect for skin health, they help keep it hydrated, prevent stretch marks, and enhance the tanning process.

One cherry tomato contains 3 calories and 0.1g of fat.

The following nutritional information counts for the recommended daily serving of 5 cherry tomatoes:


  • Calorie: 15
  • Fibers: 1.7g
  • Fats: 0.2g
  • Carbs: 2.8g
  • Protein: 1.2g
  • C vitamin: 28%
  • E Vitamin: 12%
  • A vitamin: 45%
  • B1 vitamin: 6%
  • B3 vitamin: 6%
  • B6 vitamin: 10%
  • B9 vitamin: 10%
  • Potassium: 15%
  • Calcium: 2%
  • Zinc: 3%
  • Copper: 6%
  • Phosphorus: 5%
  • Magnesium: 3%
  • Iron: 5%
  • Manganese: 6%

Cherry tomato calories:

A meal of five cherry tomatoes offers about 15 calories most of which are from carbs (80%) and the rest comes from protein.

Also, they offer about 3g of carbohydrates which help meet the daily needs in order to have enough energy for optimal body functioning.

To have enough energy for a day, the Institute of Medicine suggests consuming 130g of carbohydrates daily. (5)

Of course for pregnant women and athletes, the daily need is higher as they need more energy.

Therefore, snacking on 5 cherry tomatoes once or twice a day will give us that energy boost to carry on daily physical activities.

Minerals and vitamins in cherry tomatoes:

Most people consider cherry tomatoes as snacks and they either eat them raw or include them in recipes to get their benefits.

A handful of cherry tomatoes offers about 45% of our daily need in vitamin A and 28% of our daily need in vitamin C. (6)

Also, the same amount offers other minerals such as Iron (5%), potassium (15%), and vitamins such as vitamin E (12%), B6 (10%), and B9 (10%).

Benefits of cherry tomatoes:

Good for prostate health:

Cherry tomatoes may have particular benefits for men as they contain Lycopene, a compound that can affect prostate health. (7)

In fact, researches show that men who consume cherry tomatoes more often have a 28% decreased risk of having prostate cancer. (8)

Helps prevent cancer:

Several other studies show that tomatoes contain anti-cancerous substances thanks to their abundance in vitamin A and C.

Those two vitamins and the melatonin content in tomatoes give the body incredible strength in fighting cancer cells. (9)

Regulates blood pressure:

These small tomatoes have great virtues for people with high blood pressure.

This is due to the fact that tomatoes are a good source of potassium and few other vitamins.

Those nutrients combined prevent cardiovascular diseases including irregular heartbeats and blood clotting. (10)

Helps controlling weight:

Think of this, the overall body weight and shape are a result of 20% workout and 80% nutrition. (11)

Thus, the major effect on our body weight is a result of the food we eat and because of that, we need to think smarter.

Everyone loves delicious yummy food and most of us can’t resist that temptation right?

Well, good tasty food doesn’t necessarily mean fat unhealthy dishes, we can still choose healthy food that also tastes great.

For instance, instead of eating frying potatoes, try snacking on 5 cherry tomatoes and you’ll notice a great difference.

In fact, that amount of tomatoes contains only 15 calories but will boost your mood and energy as they offer carbs.

Also, they are very low in sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats, and on the other hand, they offer 6% of fibers which makes us feel full.

Therefore, cherry tomatoes are a perfect snack to extend your feeling of fullness while boosting your energy and lowering fats.

Improves skin and hair health:

Generally, tomatoes contain a combination of many nutrients that have a good impact on our hair and skin. (12)

Among those nutrients, it is a good source of alpha-tocopherol, vitamin A, C, B6, K, and minerals such as potassium, copper, and magnesium.

These compounds give tomatoes a strong antioxidant property which helps provide a first line of defense against infections on the skin.

For instance, people who suffer from blisters may use half of a cherry tomato and apply it on their faces to get rid of harmful toxins.

Also, when the scalp is free of fungal and infections, this will allow the hair to grow better, stronger, and shinier.

Using cherry tomatoes:

Large tomatoes are usually not that satisfying in terms of taste, especially when their season just began.

On the other hand, cherry tomatoes tend to have a more pleasant concentrate taste thanks to their small size.

It is very unlikely to not enjoy the deliciousness of cherry tomatoes unless they spent too much time in cold storage or gone overripe.

Commonly, cherry tomatoes are consumed raw, which is ideal to get the most nutritional value.

In case you want to cook it, this fruit can be prepared in many different ways just like classic tomatoes, they can be baked in the oven, barbecue, or just sliced into your favorite salad added to an omelet…

This fruit adds an extra flavor to your dishes, when used instead of classic tomatoes, whether you are making tomato sauce, salty cakes, or salad.

To keep all its nutrients, it is recommended to be used in short cooked dishes with low temperature.

How to store tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes ripen fast, so it is crucial to purchase the amount that we need to avoid wasting them.

Their lifespan is around 3 to 4 days depending on their ripening level. These tiny tomatoes can be stored for up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to purchase tomatoes that still have their stalks intact, since the fruit continues to draw juice from them, even after harvesting.

However, if you want to extend their lifespan you can use these simple tips:

  • Do not store cherry tomatoes next to the heat source whether it’s the heater, sun, or oven.
  • That would risk losing most of the nutrients and will reduce the lifespan of these tiny fruits.
  • Preheat your oven to 320°F (160°C)
  • Start by cutting the cherry tomatoes in half. It is optional to remove or keep the seeds inside.
  • Put your chopped cherry tomatoes evenly on an oven tray and spray some olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, and any herbs of your choice.
  • Place the tray in the oven for half an hour then check them.
  • This is usually enough time to cook tomatoes but you may need 10 more minutes especially if you kept the seeds inside.
  • When the tomatoes look done, take them out of the oven, cover them with a piece of cloth and let them cool down.
  • You can then store it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks to use as a natural tomato sauce to use with your savory dishes.
  • In case you want to freeze them, put the cooked cherry tomatoes in an airtight container or a freezing bag then place them in the freezer for up to 4 months.

How to choose the right tomatoes?

When purchasing cherry tomatoes, you need to look for the ones that are soft and firm. They also need to have a fresh color.

A ripe tomato always has a unique odor. The skin should be smooth and bright, without dark marks or bruises.

As mentioned above, make sure you get the ones that still have their stalks intact and, if it’s possible, mid-ripen.




(1): Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Black Cherry’ – BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine (
(2): Snow White Cherry Tomatoes Information and Facts (
(3): Sun Sugar Tomatoes – Our Stoney Acres
(4): Tomato Lycopersicon lycopersicum ‘Green Grape’ (
(5): 4.7: Carbohydrates and Personal Diet Choices – Medicine LibreTexts
(6): Cherry Tomatoes: Health Benefits, Nutrients, Preparation, and More (
(7): Lycopene Inhibits the Growth of Normal Human Prostate Epithelial Cells in Vitro | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic (
(8): Cooked tomatoes can reduce the risk of prostate cancer – WCRF International
(9): Frontiers | Promising Antineoplastic Actions of Melatonin | Pharmacology (
(10): Harvard reports says eating tomatoes may help reduce blood clot risk | WKRC (
(11): Weight Loss and the 80% Nutrition/20% Exercise Rule (
(12): Tomato Benefits for Skin: What the Research Says (

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